Making Strategy Work – Mission, Growth, & Sustainability

Free web forum, sponsored by Qualifacts + Credible and OPEN MINDS

Michael Porter stated that strategy was really just answering the two most basic questions of an organization: Who do we serve and how do we serve them? While there is elegant simplicity in that phrasing, planned strategic change is a delicate balancing act of managing the present and the future in domains of finance, customer service, and internal efficiency and doing so without losing the commitment of board or staff. Its no wonder that McKinsey studies have shown that as high as 70% of these change efforts fail – even pre-COVID.  The pandemic has doubled the stakes and speed of the game. Margins are thinner, competitors are stronger and bigger, change is more urgent, and staff we need to lead this charge are tired.

Together in this discussion, we will explore the following issues:

  • How can I truly and honestly self-assess my organizations strengths and needs?
  • How can we pierce the fog of chaos and create a vision for the community that is engaging, efficient, and effective?
  • Can we still sell that vision? Will old communication styles still succeed?
  • What new day to day metrics and management habits can help in balancing the present and future?

Registration for this executive web briefing has been provided at no charge courtesy of Qualifacts + Credible.

Unable to attend? Still register! At the conclusion of the event, all registrants will receive a recorded copy of the executive web briefing and presentation slides.